
As a mechanical engineer and Ghanaian, we believe you have answers to the questions below

Do you believe mechanical engineers in the western world have an advantage and perform better? because they have national policies which are well structured to improve the engineering profession?

Do you agree that there is a great gap between what is taught in our institutions and what is practiced in the industries?

As a mechanical engineer, are you happy with the invitation of engineers from other countries to carry out engineering projects in the country?

Do you agree that there is no clear policy crafted to ensure that all our basic needs that we import as a country are produced in Ghana by our engineers?

As a practicing mechanical engineer in Ghana, do you think there is a need to ensure salaries, safety, welfare and working conditions of mechanical engineers meet international standards?

As an engineer, are you aware that your investment in professional growth is directly related to your career success and overall job fulfilment?

Are you aware that many of the top pressing issues our government faces require technical solutions and would benefit from technical input, is it not alarming to have people without technical background address the challenge of producing clean energy, or to deal with environmental change, or to create jobs in a high-tech economy or serve as the sole decision-makers on substantially technical issues?

You have the opportunity to connect with a network of like-minded engineers who have new perspective about mechanical engineering practiced in Ghana and working together to transform the economy of the country, rebranding the image of the profession and also championing the movement of improving the living standards of mechanical engineers.

We believe that if we don’t move out of our comfort zone and act no leader from a different profession will ever make any decision or bring better policies to influence our lives as mechanical Engineers.

Our Good Book says, “No one lights a lamp and put it under a bowl but instead put it on its stand and gives light to everyone”.

So why do engineers, with so much knowledge to develop the country hide in their comfort zones?

It is time for you to let your light shine before everyone as a Mechanical Engineer

“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.”

“The greatest mistake of the movement has been trying to organize a sleeping people around specific goal. You have to wake the people up

first, then you’ll get action.”


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